There are so many poker chips available on the market today that it can become quite confusing trying to figure out which is which and what is the best value for your money.

The ancestors of the modern casino token were the counters used to keep score in the card games Ombre and Quadrille. In 1752, French Quadrille sets contained a number of different counters, known as jetons, fiches and mils. Unlike modern poker chips, they were colored differently only to determine player ownership for purposes of settling.

Casino Weight Poker Chips
Weight Of Real Casino Poker Chips

- 11.5 gram Clay Composite Poker Chips - These chips are made of a plastic and clay combination with a metal insert added for weight.There are no industry guidelines as to the percentage of plastic to clay ratio, but this ratio makes the difference in prices.Clay composite chips are very durable and will not scratch or dent easily.
We sell only high quality clay composite chips and they all have a great sound and feel to them. They are a good low priced poker sets to start with and the chip quality is very good. Click on the link to see our 11.5g Poker Chip Sets. - 13.5 gram Clay Poker Chips - Our 13.5 gram poker chips are what we consider our clay poker chips. 'Clay' is one of the most overly used terms used in the poker chip industry. Contrary to popular belief, no poker chip has been made of 100% clay since the 1950's because the material intself is too brittle and would not last very long with regular use. Modern clay poker chips are all made of propretary materials that are mixed together to give the poker chips better durability and feel than just regular plastic or composite poker chips.Our 13.5 gram chips feature our clay material with a metal insert for extra heavy weight. Because of the material, our 13.5 gram poker chips make the deepest sound ('pot splash') and are the easiest to handle. They are not as slippery as composite chips and have a rougher and nicer feel to them. It is also easier to create high stacks of chips and do chip tricks. If it is feel and texture you are looking for, then these are the kind you want. Click on the link to see our 13.5g Clay Poker Chip Sets.
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